The Ni’mat of Naeem Taken Away

With the utmost sadness and sorrow, I am sorry to inform the readers that Hazrat Shaykh ul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Naeem Saleem Saheb passed away (the father of Maulana Abdullah Saleem).  Although this has been expected for quite some time, the effects of losing one of the few remaining scholars from a glorious age of our history cannot be ignored.  It is said that the death of a scholar is the death of a whole world.  When I heard the news this morning, it was as if literally the carpet was pulled from beneath my feet.

If I sit and think about those who met him, those who studied under him and so on, I feel like there is such a void in my life now.  One of my reasons for moving to this area was to be close to such luminaries and to benefit from their company.  To look at that face that the gaze of the great scholars of the past had looked at, and to look at those eyes who saw the radiant, full of noor faces of the great scholars of our recent past.

My deepest condolences for the family of Hazrat Maulana (RA) a.k.a. Abbuji to those who were close to him.  A fine thread that connected the golden age of our akaabir has now snapped and is now broken.  We pray that Allah grants him maghfirat, rahmat, and makes his grave a garden of paradise.  We also pray that Allah grants his family patience.  Although there are no regrets as this great man had dedicated his life to serving the Deen by teaching, lecturing, and writing.  We know from the mercy of Allah that this is what was best for everyone.

If there is one lesson we can learn from this whole incident is that we should value those great scholars who still walk the earth and benefit from their company.  Just to sit with them, even if they do not say a word is still not void of benefit.  Develop a close relationship with such Ulama, as this is the only way to link up to the fountainhead of knowledge, mercy, and all that is good (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam).  May Allah accept all his efforts, and our duas.  Aameen!

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6 Comments on “The Ni’mat of Naeem Taken Away”

  1. akbar Says:

    I heard from my teacher that Hadhrat had a dream a month ago that he was praying in jamaah with the ashaab ur rasool while he was in the first row. May Allah (swt) make this dream true and grant him jannatul firdaws.


  2. Abu Yahya Says:

    Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raje’oon.


    The demise of a scholar, is the demise of the world.

    May Allah Ta`ala raise his darajaat in the akhirah, give sabr-e-jamil to his spritual and biological children and relatives, and may He raise him up on the Day of Judgment with the Nabiyeen, Siddiqeen, Shuhada, Saliheen and Ulama-e-Amileen.


  3. Abdul Hameed Says:

    AsSalamu Alaikum

    May Allah ta’la accept Hazrat’s effort of over 70 years servicing the Deen of Allah and grant him the highest reward . It was narrated by my Ustaad, a student of Hazrat Maulana (rah) that he recited 7 juz of the Quran every night before he went to sleep and I heard stories from Hazrat Maulana (rah) and his students from Deoband about the time he met Hazrat Hakimul Ummat Thanvi (nawarrullahi marqadahu).Indeed, such a lose cannot be compensated for. May Allah ta’la bestow the Fuyooz of our Akabireen, and able us to follow in their footsteps. Ameen.

  4. Faraz Abdul Moid Says:

    Assalamu Alaikum,

    Truly one of the saddest days in our lives. Within only 10 hours of his passing, hundreds of people across Chicago were informed of this tragedy and rushed to the Janazah. Subhanallah. What was beautiful was how, as soon as we buried him and walked away from the graveyard, rain began pouring down. The violent winds made it seem as if the earth couldnt bare such a burden, the loss of AbuJee (RA). May Allah SWT allow us to take a lesson from this tragic event. Aameen to all the Du’as.

  5. ali Says:

    assalamu alaikum,

    jazakallahu khairan for these words on this occasion.

    note: this shouls be one sentence it seems: Although there are no regrets as this great man had dedicated his life to serving the Deen by teaching, lecturing, and writing. We know from the mercy of Allah that this is what was best for everyone.

    assalamu alaikum,
    ali t

  6. Osama Says:

    May Allah enlighten his grave…Ameen!

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