Posted tagged ‘Mufti’

Clearing Our Hearts for Allah Ta’ala

March 12, 2011

Hazratwala (db) once narrated the following incident:

Hadhrat Mufti Shafi’ ‘Uthmani Sahib (ra) says that once while he was walking with Hadhrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (ra) to his house, Hadhrat took out a pencil and paper, wrote something down, and replaced it in his pocket.

He then addressed Mufti Shafi’ Sahib,
“Mufti Sahib, what have I just done?”

Hadhrat Mufti Sahib replied,
“Hadhrat you took out a pencil and paper, jotted down something and replaced it in your pocket.”

Hadhrat Thanwi (ra) then drew Mufti Sahib’s attention to and pointed out the wisdom of his action, he said,
“Something was repeatedly coming to mind and the apprehension that I may forget it caused my heart to be totally absorbed by it.”

“Having written it down, I have removed the weight that bore so heavily on my heart, vacating my heart for Allah.”


January 6, 2011

Hazrat Haji Sahib (RA) said that when a ruler becomes displeased with someone’s presence (in his court) then will he allow that person to enter again? Never! So when you offer one Salah and thereafter receive guidance to offer the next Salah then understand that your first Salah has been accepted and you are also from the accepted ones!

Irshadat-e-Thanwi, malfuz #154.

Learn to Value Instead of Take for Granted

October 29, 2010

Shaykh al-Hadith Mawlana Zakariya Kandhelawi (may Allah have mercy on him) mentions in his autobiography, Aap Beti,

“…there is one very important fact to which I wish to draw attention.

When the (Elder) Shaykh passes away, many people desire to see their special qualities in those who succeed them. But it is a fact that all those who follow the Elders will be less gifted.  Except in a very few cases, as Allah may desire.

The people who do not see the qualities of the Elder in his successor (khalifa), and as a result turn away from their path of Tasawwuf, are only doing themselves a great harm.

I began to see this very clearly since the time of Hazrat (Rasheed Ahmad) Gangohi (may Allah have mercy on him). During the era of  his most prominent deputies, I saw many of their contemporaries who were also attached to Hazrat through bay’ah, but they saw that some of the special qualities which Hazrat had were no longer present in these deputies so they did not approach them for spiritual guidance. This caused me great pain and sorrow because these deputies (khulafa) were near to Allah and possessed ‘nisbat‘(the perpetual, close and mutually favorable relationship with Allah). If indeed these people had become connected to one of these deputies (khalifa), they would have progressed greatly.”

The great shaykh and khalifa of Hazrat Mufti Taqi Usmani Sahib (DB), Dr. Hanif Kamal (DB) comments on the above by mentioning,

“It is usually hidden and complex arrogance (kibr) that makes an individual consider his fellow brother (appointed by the Shaykh to lead) to be deficient and unsuitable for following.” (taken from Appreciate the Present Shuyukh)

I guess the point is that we must learn to value the khulafa of the shaykh as we value the shaykh if we ever want to progress and move forward.  Obviously they are not the same as the shaykh, but it is imperative that we learn to value instead of take for granted.

“let me meet my Creator…”

February 2, 2010

Shaykh-al-‘Arab wa -al-‘Ajam ‘Arif Billah Hazrat Mawlana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sahib (DB) is very ill.  Hazratwala (DB) had a case of heart failure a week ago and has been in and is in critical condition for the last few days.

Many of his senior khulafaa are present in Karachi with him.   Hazrat Mufti Jaleel Akhoon (DB) is also in Karachi. Maulana Yunus Patel Sahib (DB) is in the Haram praying for Hazratwala (DB) as well.  Hazrat Feroz Memon Sahib (DB) is spending the whole day with Hazratwala (DB).

Artificial oxygen is being provided under the supervision of various doctors who are specialists in their respective fields.  While they were attempting to give Hazratwala (DB) painkiller injections to alleviate his pain, Hazratwala (DB) said to the doctors, “I do not want to undergo the pain of injections,  just let me meet my Creator…”

In conclusion, please just remember Hazratwala (DB) in your prayers and request the Imams of your local masjids to pray for him as well.

The Passing of People

November 16, 2009

Just today I was informed that the grandmother of my friends, Mawlana Abdul Wahab Sahib (DB), Mufti Nawaz Sahib (DB), and Mawlana Abdul Rashid Sahib (DB) has passed away.  Innaa Lillaahi Wa Innaa Ilayhi Raaji’oon.

To all those that have ta’alluq with our silsilah, I advise each of us, myself included to make Isaal-uth-Thawab for her and make dua’ for her.  Preferably by Reciting Salawat, then Surah Fatihah, then Surah Ikhlaas three times, then Salawat again.  Then pray to Allah and ask Allah to grant her the reward of this and to make her grave a garden of paradise.

To those who read the blog, I request you all to do the same.

For those who are wondering who these people are, Mufti Nawaz Sahib (DB) is a khalifah of Hazrat Mawlana Fazlur Rahman Sahib (DB), the Shaykh-ul-Hadith of Darul Uloom Azaadville, South Africa.  These are scholars of our silsilah and for me, their grandmother is my own grandmother.

We also pray to Allah that He grants the family sabr jameel.  Aameen.